www.prolificsportsinc.com which is the official website portal of Prolific Sports LTD, a sports management and academy development company has officially been launched. The companies focus on providing a platform for engaging its sports clients and brand managers to have a center where all information on the company can be accessed brought about the establishment of its new online presence at its domain.
The company Chairman and founder, Dr. Kenneth Ekow Andam, expressed his gratitude to the companies information technology department for delivering a portal that befits the vision and ambitions of the company. He stated, “Our ambitions as a company to reach the underserved markets in the various genres of the sports world needs the level of global online exposure that our new portal gives us. We are keen to expand our reach by granting access both online and via the mobile web to potential talents from the world at large.”
Prolific Sports has now opened its portal to the general public for access and patronage of its services and hopes to expand its academy programs to African countries, Caribbean islands, and the Middle East.
Press agency:
Sleek Media Group
Contact: www.sleekmediagroup.com